Sunday, May 13, 2007

Arms Trade Treaty

There are around 639 million small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the world today. Eight million more are produced every year. Without strict control, such weapons will continue to fuel violent conflict, state repression, crime, and domestic abuse. Unless governments act to stop the spread of arms, more lives will be lost, more human rights violations will take place, and more people will be denied the chance to escape poverty.

The international Arms Trade is out of control! There is as yet no coordinated mechanism or global criteria to be used in a harmonized fashion and applied equally to all arms exporters and importers.

Since 2003, the control arms Campaign has been calling for a global, legally binding Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). This treaty must prevent international arms transfers if the weapons are likely to be used to commit atrocities.

While there are global treaties that regulate chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, there is no global treaty to regulate conventional weapons – the weapons most commonly used in armed violence. In December 2006, 153 governments voted at the United Nations to start work on developing such a treaty.
During 2007, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, is asking all governments to submit their views on the contents of the treaty. This is a critical step.

Alongside this official consultation, the Control Arms campaign is running a parallel People's Consultation on the Arms Trade Treaty. People all around the world are urging their governments to promote an effective treaty that will protect them from armed violence.

Nepal's Position
Nepal has taken part in different international arena, related to SALW, though presence has not been that significant. Nepal was absent during the polling on ATT at UN General Assembly on 12 October 2006. 153 states voted to adopt the Resolution Towards an Arms Trade Treaty. However, its presence in different workshop and the commitment made has shown some positive signals. Now its time for Nepal to take part in the control arms campaign and should also work thoroughly in the ATT process. In Nepal South Asia Small Arm-Network Nepal (SASA-Net) is lobbying government in this regard. SASA-Net in near future is organizing people's consultation at various level in Nepal.

It is the responsibility of the citizen to urge government to take part in the ATT process and raise their concern towards ATT. Urge government to remind Ban Ki-moon that an Arms Trade Treaty must:
  • Stop arms transfers that will be used for serious violations of human rights of international humanitarian law
  • Stop arms transfers that would undermine sustainable development
  • Stop arms transfers that will weaken regional security.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"लौन अब केहि त गरौ"

म एउटी शिक्षित केटी मेरा मनमा भित्र देखि नै सधै मैले केही राम्रो काम गर्नु पर्दछ भन्ने विभिन्न किसिमका सोचहरू आई नै रहन्थे तरपनि मैले के गर्ने र गर्न सक्छु भन्ने कुरा मा म कहिले पनि स्थिर रहिन ।दिउँसो कोठामा एक्लै बस्दा यस्तो गर्नुपर्छ उस्तो गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने अनेकौंकल्पनाहरू सिर्जना गर्दथें र बेलुका श्रीमान् अफिसबाट ति सबै कुराहरू ध्यानपूर्वक सुनिदिनु हुन्थ्यो र मेरो मनमा हौसला जगाई सुझावहरू दिनु हुन्थ्यो ।जसले गर्दा मलाई केही सामाजिक कार्य गर्न प्रति उत्साहित गरायो ।

हामी र्दुइ श्रीमान् श्रीमतीले एउटा माटोको खुत्रुके किनेका थियौं, जसमाहामीसँग यदि रुपैयाँका सिक्काहरू जम्मा भयो की त्यसैमा सधै खसाल्नेगर्दथ्यौं । हामीले एक दिन त्यो खुत्रुकेमा जम्मा भएको पैसाले कोही गरिवकोछोरा छोरीलाई पर्ढाई खर्च दिने निर्णय गर्‍यौं तर कसलाई दिने त्यो भनेनिर्णर्य गर्न सकिरहेका थिएनौं ।

एक दिन मेरो श्रीमान् कामको शिलशिलामा बाँके जिल्ला समशेरगञ्जगाविसमा जाँदा एउटी मुक्त कमैया, आफ्नो भन्ने सम्पत्तिको नाउँमा केहीनभएकी महिलाले आफ्नो दुइवटी छोरीहरूलाई पढाउने साह्रै रहर भएकोतर भर्ना खर्च रु। १५० पनि आफ्नो साथा नभएकोले सहायताको लागिसवैसँग अनुरोध गरिरहेकी कुरा थाहा पाएर, हामीले त्यहि महिलाकाछोराछोरीहरूलाई पढ्नको लागि आफूले सक्दो सहायता गर्ने निर्णयगर्‍यौं ।

नेक काममे देर किस बात की- भन्ने सोच राखेर हामी बैशाख ११ गतेसारा नेपालीहरू लोकतन्त्र दिवस मनाई रहेका बेलामा, नेपालगञ्जकोबैशाख महिनाको मध्य घाममा दिनको ठिक ११ बजे तिर हामी दुइ रहाम्रो २० महिने छोरालाई साथमा लिएर कोहलपूर तर्फप्रस्थान गर्‍यौं ।कोहलपूरमा पुग्दा हामीलाई उनी बस्ने ठाउँ पत्ता लगाउन केही समयलाग्यो । हामी उनको ठाउँ खोजीकै शिलशिलामा कोहलपूर नजिकैएउटा ठाउँ जहाँ मुक्त कमैयाहरू विस्थापित भएर वस्ती बसालेको स्थानमापुग्यौं । जहाँ थुप्रै झुपडीहरू देखिन्थे, त्यही झुपडीहरूको माझबाट बल्लतल्ल हामीले ती महिला -फूलवती चौधरी को बस्ने ठाउँ पत्ता लगायौं रउनलाई भेट्न गयौ । त्यहाँ पुग्दा उनले हामीलाई आफ्नो सानो झुपडीभित्र डोरीको खटियामा बस्न अनुरोध गरिन् । बाहिर मध्य घाम त्यसैलेहामी पनि भित्रै बस्यौं र उनीसँग कुराकानी गर्न थाल्यौं ।

हुन पनि त्यहाँ पुगेर उनीहरूको अवस्था देख्दा, कुराहरू सुन्दा मन मैचस्सा घोचेरा आयो । कस्तो दुखित अवस्था, सम्झँदा नै मन कट्क्क हुन्छ ।कुराकानीको दौरानमा उनी भन्दै थिन्- 'सर मैले आफूले पढ्न नपाएर आजयस्तो दुःख पाएको हुँदा छोरा छोरीले मैले जस्तो दुःख नपाउन् भनेर स्कुलमापढाउन खोजी रहेको छु तर स्कुलले निःशुल्क शिक्षा भने पनि भर्ना शुल्क रु. १५० लिने रहेछ र ड्रेस पनि हाल्नु पर्ने रहेछ ।'

उनी भन्दै थिईन - 'म जस्तोले कहाँबाट दुइवटी छारीलाई भर्ना गर्न रु. ३००।- लेराउने, श्रीमान् सिकर्मीको काम गर्नु हुन्छ, विरामी हुनु भएकोलेकाममा जान सक्नु भएको थिएन, तीन दिन देखि भोको पेट छ, अलिकतिचामल थियो बिहान छोराछोरीलाई माड बनाएर खुवाएँ, मैले कहाँ स्कुलपढाउने पैसा ल्याउने, जहाँ जो भेट्यो सहायताको लागि भन्दै हिड्छु ।'

दुइवटी छोरी र एउटा काखे बालक च्यापेर एउटी आईमाईले आफ्नो लाचारविवस्ताहरू पोख्दा मन भित्र भक्कानो फुट्ला झै भयो । म पनि एउटी आमाआफ्नो सन्तानले त्यति बेला दुध खान एक घण्टा मात्र ढिला हुँदा छट्पटाइरहेको थियो भने तीन बच्चाकी आमालाई आफ्नो सन्तानहरूलाई एक छाकखुवाउन पनि धौ धौ हुँदाको अवस्था कस्तो हुँदो हो, त्यो वास्तविकता हामीजस्ता सुखसयल भोगीहरूले सायद कहिले पनि बुझ्न सकदैनौ होला। उनीहरूकोगरिवी कहाली लाग्दो थियो । चारै तिर देशमा लोकतन्त्रको खुशीयाली मनाईरहेको अवस्थामा उनीहरूलाई के हो लोकतन्त्र केही थाहा थिएन, केवल थाहा थियो त पेटको भोकतन्त्र, गरिवीवको लाचारतन्त्र

मैले भर्खरै मात्र लेखक विश्वरमण न्यौपानेको 'किन?' भन्ने पुस्तक अध्ययनगर्ने मौका पाएको थिएँ । जसमा उहाँले नेपाली चेलीहरू किन वेश्याबृती जस्तोकुलतमा फसिरहेको छन् त भन्ने खोजमूलक लेख ती चेलीहरूको बारेमा लेख्नुभएको थियो । सो किताव अध्ययन गर्दा मलाई लाग्यो । गरिवी भन्ने कुरात्यस्तो चिज रहेछ जस्ले गर्दा मानिसले आफ्नो पहिचान, अस्थित्व रइज्जतलाई समेत विर्सन तयार हुनु पर्ने रहेछ र जसले गर्दा हाम्रा चेलीहरूघृणित कार्यमा फसि रहेका छन् । यदि हामीले कसैलाई अलिकति आफ्नोसक्दो सहयोग गर्न सकेमा उनीहरूलाई त्यस्तो नरकिय जीवन जीउन वाध्यहुन पर्दैन ।

'शिक्षा नै सुखमय जीवन सुभारम्भ हो ।' भन्ने सोचाईले हामीले ती दुइ दिदिबहिनी सुस्मिता चौधरी र अस्मिता चौधरीलाई स्कुल भर्ना गर्न र गरिसकेपछि लाग्ने खर्च दियौं र आफूले सक्ने बेला सम्म उनीहरूलाई पढार्ई दिन्छौभनि, बेला बेलामा फेरी आउने बाचा पनि गर्‍यौं । ती भोका पेटका बच्चाहरूले एक टुक्रा सूकेकेi रोटी टोकी रहेको देख्दा मन नै भारि भयो र केही पैसा पनि फूलवती चौधरीलाई दियौं । आज हाम्रो देशमा सरकारले ती कमैयाहरूलाई मुक्तगरिदिए ता पनि उनीहरू को उचित व्यवस्थापन नगरिदिनाले सुस्मिता र अस्मिताजस्ता कयौं वालवालिकाहरू शिक्षाको अवसरवाट वञ्चित हुनु परिरहेको छ ।त्यसैले अव सरकारको मात्र मुख नताकि हामी सवै मिलि"लौन अब केहि त गरौ" ।

By: Sona Poudyal

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bikers' Group

These days, in the name of transaction phase, people are disturbing our normal life. Every now and then there is bandh, we don’t know who calls for bandh and what is the reason behind? We find it frustrating always. After a year nothing has changed , since the arrival of so called Loktrantra.

Don’t you feel that our daily life is guided by others? Yesterday (28 April 2007), it was a driver, who made holiday a bad day. If we keep on staying in silence, some other will definitely lead us. Now it’s time to raise our voice, because “our voice counts”.

To raise our voice against irrational activities going around, we have decided to form a group, may be its Bikers group (please suggest). We have planned to form such group where bike holders become a member and express their solidarity against the irrational activities.
Why bikers’ group?
  • Who will raise voice, if your bike gets lost? (It widely come in news that police department itself is engaged in the bike theft, so who will support you?)
  • By some nonsense reason Oil Corporation fails to supply enough petrol, who is raising voice against mischief?
These are the very simple suppressions that bike holders are facing and going to face in the future. So, we should start doing something that changes the existing scenario. Being young and having strong feeling inside that we can bring changes, we would like to form a group and act against those illogical activities.

Please feel free to put your suggestions and comments. This is very initial phase, we need to get organized, cogent and work together for the betterment.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Life is like riding bike

Life is like riding a bike, the speed will be constant until and unless some other vehicles overtake. Suddenly the speed will begin to change (especially when old or lower cc bike overtakes and in case of boys when girls’ bike overtakes), in desire of winning the race. While you don’t want to slow down because of your egostic speed during that moment and you will miss the entire beauty around.

During our life span also, there are so many opportunities which come across. Being human, we have unlimited desires, and we want to grab every single opportunity; we want to become successful. We want to lead every moment, which may not be possible every time. Unknowingly, our life moves in such a speed where we don’t want to put brake. During that speed we miss all the pleasure, love, satisfaction. Our life will be vulnerable, and might suffer from accidents.

So, I suggest my friends to control your speed of life and bike, control yourself. Follow the steps, don’t jump, and keep on doing your jobs sincerely, one day you will reach your destiny. You will be a successful person spiritually, mentally, physically and no doubt professionally.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Democracy Day 2007

April 24, 2007 (Baisak 11), marked as a “Loktantra Diwas” (democracy day). The day when political parties won the battle and take over the executive power from the king, last year.

Forgiving all the mess political parties did in past; citizens were ready to give them a second chance. Therefore, they significantly took part in the 19 days agitation. But now, seems all the expectations of the general citizens are going to vain.

Personally I felt current Loktantra is only for the eight party alliances and for strong group/alliances. There is no democracy for the individuals. Unless, a person is affiliated with some strong alliances or groups, he/she cannot practice democracy. Is this is a Loktantra we wanted?

We didn’t celebrate Loktantra Diwas this year, because we felt, presently, there is no democracy for the individuals. This is not the Loktantra we wanted. This is simply a Partytantra.

This is a modern autocracy, ruled by some groups and parties. There is no democracy for the individuals, where they can enjoy their rights, freedom, where there is a strong law and order.

We want democracy not a modern form of autocracy.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hike to Champadevi

On 21st April we climbed the Champadevi, the second highest hill of Kathmandu valley, after Pholchowki. Most thrilling and rough hike I ever had. We were in the no-man’s-land, no specific trail. It was kind of finding your own way, no route……….. It was a gully, formed due to rain, where we walked, very fragile land. The Villagers were amazed to hear about the route we travelled. Our bad luck we couldn’t find the actual way, which was there, according to the villagers.

Pranab, one of our team members, was experienced hiker, so he did very appreciable job to find the routes. He made way for us. Thank you Pranab, without you we couldn’t have made it.

We experienced a great team work. Each one of us was helping other, pulling and pushing and counseling. We were all wounded, big rock crashed in my leg, even though I tolerated. Some had scratch on their checks, some on arms, legs,…….. Leech sucked liters of blood.

Though it was one of the hardest days of their life and every one with empty stomach, only a cup of tea inside, they were not complaining, I am so pleased with everyone, especially girls. We were supposed to have breakfast in the mid-way, but there were no enough space, so we didn’t have. We traveled whole way without having anything, brave us. Because of terror we forgot hunger.

In about three hours stiff walk, we reached the top, we enjoyed sooooo. I took one of the longest breaths of relief, of my entire life. Some times during climbing, I was almost hopeless. However, being a senior among the group members, I need to act strong and determined, I bear that responsibility.

After facing lots of struggle we reached our destination. There exists temple at the top of the hill. Though we find very pleasant environment, one thing disappointed us, pollution. Why we Nepalese are so undisciplined? Rubbish around the temple? So disgusting………. We worship god just to show others. People don’t even respect god, so what we can expect from them?

However, we were apart from general Nepalese because we didn’t left our waste there.

After all good and rough moment finally we had our lunch, on the top of the hill, amazing experience. After having food we returned to the base following good trails.

We faced another difficulty when we reached base. There was no local transportation due to strike. So we took lift a water tanker. We climbed the tanker, it was another exciting experience. Finally we were back without not much trouble and accident. Anything could have happened that day, god saved us, thank you god and thank you everyone.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Book enlightens

I don’t usually read books, this is one of my weak points. Self realization is the first step for positive living, therefore I realized my weak point and started to improve it.

Finally I started reading... The last book I read was The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Mr. Robin Sharma. It took me almost one week to read that book, indeed very slow.

It was one of the best books I have ever read. I was so much inspired by his writing, that I gifted the book to my close friend. It was my pleasure to receive another book from the same writer as a gift, Family Wisdom. It was nice exchange of knowledge.

I have shared learning from the book with my friends, and enjoyed doing so. I guess this book is the Must read, especially to those, who really want to improve themselves.

Though I wanted to read books but wasn’t doing so. My close friend used to suggest me to do so, but I was ignoring a lot . Now I realized, that I didn’t get the book of my interest. Finally, I got the kind of book that I always like to read. I will be in the search for such books and start to improve myself from now onwards.

I gifted “Sooach” a Nepali book written by Mr. Karna Shakya, to my family on the occasion of New Year. The book is all about an idea to work for betterment of society and start from family. My mother has started reading it, I am so glad and I also want my father to read it.

We need to improve our thinking and behavior, if we really want to see the positive change in our society and country. Start reading and start improving yourself. I bet ...Book enlightens.

My Birthday & My Friends

It was another one of the wonderful days of my life. My family and friends made my day very special. I really enjoyed those moment, cake cutting, expecting and receiving gifts from my dearest one. I am also happy for the every silly thing my friends did with me.

That day we laughed a lot. They did so many nonsense things, even though I was enjoying. They splashed cake into my face, scene that I always want to see in the movie. I was almost in the birthday dress and my friends were the designer; very creative friends indeed. Abyekta, Ujjwal, Dipesh were the designer, Dikesh and Abyekta were photographers Tej, Suraj and Bivek were the spectator. Whatever they did, it was for fun and to make day special and memorable. That day also I missed Anil and Sangeet. Years back they use to be designer.

I am desperately waiting for my friends’ birthday, coz I also want to be a birthday dress designer.

Thank you guys, for making my day special. Thank you everyone.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2064

Today is a new year day and my birthday as well. I am so glad, so many of my friends called me to wish, so many emails. Thank you all.

Yesterday night we stayed at Ujjwal's house. I enjoyed a lot with my friends Bivek, Abyekta and Ujjwal . Though I missed some of my close friends yesterday Anil, Sangeet, Dikesh and Dipesh.

We went to Newroad at evening, but was too crowded, so we didn't stay too long there. We bought some snacks and drinks for night. We enjoyed eating and drinking and lots of talking. This time guys discussed on so many serious issues. We forgot to sing and dance. I missed. However, I enjoyed talking on seriuos issues.

Abyekta was funny as usual, Bivek, ambitious and Ujjwal, the same guy with new relation. Though everything is arranged, Ujjwal still feels shy to speak with his future wife. Condition of Bivek was poor, though he doesn't want to get married right now, but the situation is forcing him to, poor guy. Abyekta has passed his examination I am glad for him. He was struggling a bit in his studies. He is one of the successful person in his profession. He has his own school and performing well. Most of the Abyekta's friends are already married, they are filling some negative thoughts into his minds, about married life. But I am sure he is capable of making good decisions.

I enjoyed moments with my friends. I wish them all the best and success.

I wish all my family and friends a very Happy New Year.

Enjoy the coming years with success and joy.

I wish all my good relations continues in coming years. I look forward to make good friends and sustainable relations. I will try to improve myself. I want to make my life purposeful.

Lastly, thank you all for last year support and cooperation.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I am more than I appear to be, all the world’s strength and power rests inside me.- Mantra from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari- By- Robin Sharma.

Monday, April 2, 2007

About my organization


Yatra is a youth led and youth run non-governmental, not for profit making, social organization dedicated towards Education, Environment and Youth. Yatra is a volunteer based organization. Volunteers of Yatra are working for motivating other youth to become responsible citizen. Yatra is registered to Nepal Government (GON) and affiliated with Social Welfare Council Nepal on 2004. Yatra is founder member of Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON). Yatra represents a Green Youth Ambassador for Nepal of World Youth Foundation (WYF), Melaka, Malaysia.

GPO Box: 8975, EPC 2388
Phone no: 977-016213227

About Youth Telecenter
Youth Telecenter is a voluntary, non-profit, youth led forum of South Asia Partnership Nepal (SAP-N) supported by South Asia Partnership International (SAP-I) and Bellanet. The central hub of the telecenter is located in the premises of SAP-Falcha, Babarmahal, Kathmandu.


To strengthen rural and urban youth partnership (RUYP) for education and employment opportunities.
To appropriate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for youth communities.
To institutionalize model Youth Telecenter

Organization believes entire youth should have straight and uncomplicated access to essential and relevant information. The center was initiated as a youth forum since April 2005 and came to its full fledge being as Youth Telecenter (YTC) on March 2006. Since then the center has been conducting various information sharing activities that address the diverse needs of youth.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

New month wish from my mother

It was a first day of April, and named as April fool day. Early in the morning, I wasn’t even out of bed…… Actually I was checking my emails and planning for a day…. I forgot it is April first.

My mom always likes to make fun and I remember that she don’t usually forget, April first, though she is a perfect Nepali house wife, who doesn’t care about English date.

She fooled lots of people on this particular day, year back. These days she is not that active as she uses to be. This year I didn’t even think that she will make me fool, I am so surprised and happy as well.

She called; there is a friend of mine waiting outdoor. And I rushed, ha ha ha, there was no one, and she shouted APRIL FOOL. To become fool was a pleasure for me as I consider it as a very good wish for the new month.
It was a very good morning wish for me, from the person whom I love more than anything else.

Superiority complex

I don’t know why a person feels so superior!!!!!! Why every professionals of each sector think that they no else can be better? I wonder why people don’t respect other’s profession. I don’t figure out why!!!!!!!!!!

From drivers to Doctors, Bank’s staff to Teachers, Journalist to Politician or Government officers; almost everyone behaves that they are the Messiah in their respective field. Why they think, without them nothing works around in the world?

Whenever we need help from other people of different profession, we don’t usually get good response from them. While going to bank to collect/deposit money , the staff there seems to lost their manners; no respect, no system, no greetings even no smile! Doctors in the hospital are the same! What to say about government office staffs, everyone knows. Why don’t they think, one day or the other they might need help from other as well?

Politician! Everyone knows them; they behave well at the time of election. Their manner tagged them as educated illiterate. Everyone knows politician, but what about others? Why do they think that they are only the superior?

We should acknowledge contribution of every sector in the society, should remember that, everyone’s job is making good contribution to the society; everyone has expertise in their respective field.

If we respect every others professions then only, together we can be prosperous.
Don’t feel superior, everyone is superior in their own field, respect other, there is no one who big and small based on their profession. The one of the reason behind underdevelopment of our nation is our ‘superior attitude’.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Load-shading is it really needed or just a game!

Sometimes I feel like I am an educated illiterate. Every now and then so many messy things are happening around me and I am not responding!!!!!!! Though, I understand very little what is going around, but I feel I am right towards the truth. Despite of lack in data what my mind figures out matches the reality.
Let us talk about the politics in load shading! Once I got chance visit one hydro-electricity project. There were two turbines to generate the electricity; however, only one was functioning. I asked the engineer about the project, ‘why is it not working? Is the water insufficient or the technical problem?’ He replied “Mathi ko Aadesh”, i.e., order from the higher authority for not to run the turbine. I was so amazed, people are forced to live in dark due to load shading and the generator is not functional. What could be the reason behind? I wonder?
Politics to become rich; that is the answer I got when I discussed about the matters with different group of people. What I have heard is that high authority people are provided with commissions on the percentage basis if there comes some new projects.
By forcing citizens to live in dark, mafias are playing a game with us. They are somewhat successful to manipulate general people to make them ask for the new dams for the electricity. General people are so innocent that they don’t understand the politics and the game of the government mafia. To become rich they are demanding for new hydro-electricity project to overcome the existing load-shading. And they are searching for the big investor and the contractor who are ready to give good barbs.
If the policy makers and the leaders are fully committed to supply electricity to every house, why don’t they think and work for the micro hydro projects? These are the questions that are raised inside every heads with brains.

Wake up Kathmandu people!

Every individual is talking about new/inclusive Nepal these days. People of every corner are expressing their opinion for the new Nepal. But, what is the vision we make for the Kathmandu, till now I have not noticed any such debate among Kathmanduties.
Where we want our Kathmandu to be? Is the existing Kathmandu is okay for us or we need to think and plan for the new Kathmandu. I guess this is the most appropriate time to talk about new Kathmandu. So let us have debate for new Kathmandu and plan for it, otherwise we might left behind.